Voices That Count designed the multi-country Outcome Harvesting monitoring system for the Shared Resources Joint Solutions programme of IUCN Nl and WWF Nl in 9 eco-regions (16 countries).
The Shared Resources Joint Solutions (SRJS) programme was a partnership (2016-2020) between the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, National Committee of the Netherlands (IUCN NL) and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature Netherlands (WWF NL) in collaboration with more than 200 civil society organisations to enhance the capacities needed to critically engage with business, financial institutions and governments and effectively lobby for green and inclusive policies and practices.
The support of Voices That Count included the design of the multi-country OH monitoring process (9 eco-regions in 16 countries), the development of supportive templates and resources. To kick-start the OH process, we facilitated a series of regional train-the-trainer workshops in Indonesia, East-Africa and West-Africa.

From then onwards, regular OH workshops were organised in each region with the respective CSO partners to reflect on the collective identification of behavioural changes of the societal actors the programme aimed to influence (outcomes). By the end of the programme in December 2020, the data comprised 1122 outcomes from Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, and the global level.

In 2021, a study was published by the SRJS partnership to synthesise and visualise the main trends in the OH data.