A story mosaic of women in pastoral regions | Réseau Bilital Maroobe
Mental Distress at Work | National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia
Cultural integration | ECLAC - UNESCO
Picturing reparation | Trust Fund for Victims
Understanding resilience | FAO OED
Building Resilience in Ethiopia | Oxford Policy Management (OPM)
Understanding the evolution of a partnership | Equality Fund
Celebrating 28 years of conservation work | MAVA Memories
Racism Unravelled | Sankaa
#OurFutures | Competence Centre on Foresight, EU
Konte | Coalition of Caribbean civil society actors
Listening Table | Flemish Government
Measuring the impact of long-term training programmes | Timotheus Project
Measuring the livability in streets in Antwerp
Monitoring empowerment | VIA Don Bosco
Evaluation of Youth Economic Empowerment programme | UNDP IOE
Outcome Harvesting | Helvetas Western Balkan
Assessing the nature and quality of partnerships | Gender at Work - UN Women
Outcome harvesting for the Marine Plastics and Coastal Communities project | IUCN