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#OurFutures | Competence Centre on Foresight, EU

The future can evolve in different directions, each shaped by our actions of today. In order to capture the ideas about the future the European Commission’s Competence Centre on Foresight has launched the event #OurFutures - Images for the future of Europe.

We invite people all over Europe to write a very short story expressing what you would like to see in the Europe of the future, with your hopes, uncertainties and ideas.

  • You can share your own future image here. Think of a specific topic that is important to you, write down your story and answer a few follow-up questions. You can write down your story in any of the 24 EU languages and this can be done anonymously.

  • Organise a participatory workshop within your organisation, and use the tool to share your hopes and fears for the future. We’re happy to help you out in designing such a workshop.

By understanding all these future images, we get a collective view of ‘Our Future’, and we can inspire policy makers and others to create these futures. The outcome will serve to generate actual, future-oriented recommendations for EU action to build together the Europe that we want. At the same time, it will also be an open database for all interested researchers, policymakers and others that would like to explore these images of the future.

Explore the images of the future here.

Curious about the first results? Check this blog article or download the #OurFutures report of Greece:

This project is taking place within the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.


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